Axe the Tax

It’s time for the Wet Hot Canadian Carbon Tax Summer, Y’all!

That means an expensive and unaffordable summer vacation for you and your family.

2023 was a rough year for a lot of Canadians with the costs of absolutely everything rising. And 2024 will be no different, especially not for the summer.

That’s why we’re shouting out to our federal government: Time to Axe the Tax for Everyone!

Summer Life in Canada is now SO expensive.

Whether it’s the food on your grill, or the propane powering it. The gas for your boat. The gas for your road trip. The cottage rental. Your plane ride to go visit family – Its ALL gone WAY up.

And the Feds aren’t stopping either. Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault refused to answer if the carbon tax was going to go up again. And you combine that with the costly fuel standards and other taxes – how do they expect anyone to get ahead in Canada today?

The federal government admitted their carbon tax takes a bite of your bank account when they eliminated it on home heating oil late last year. But they still won’t eliminate it on other sources of essential energy

It’s time to stop hurting Canadians and start helping them.

Send your MP a note telling them to cancel their #CarbonTaxSummer2024